Easter Mourning This poem is a reflection on the Blessed Mother’s experience after the crucifixion and death of her Son.
You were not confused; grieving in gratitude. Dark for three days, your soul singing praise. Full of hope, though pierced through.
A New Eve is dawning in this Easter mourning; watching for the Son to rise. Dark clouds your shroud, for you died inside with Christ Crucified; But you pray in faith and wait…and when you turn around You’ll see a Sunlit Face and you’ll beam with grace in His embrace on this Easter morning!
You were not confused; His Blood redeemed first you. Your ransomed place, as Mother of Grace. He bleeds—you plead—hearts move.
A New Eve is dawning in this Easter mourning; watching for the Son to rise. Dark clouds your shroud, for you died inside with Christ Crucified; But you pray in faith and wait…and when you turn around You’ll see a Sunlit Face and you’ll beam with grace in His embrace on this Easter morning!
You were not confused; a Virgin bearing fruit. First spouse of your Son; All in Him are one. Creation wedded, made new.
A New Eve is dawning in this Easter mourning; watching for the Son to rise. Dark clouds your shroud, for you died inside with Christ Crucified; But you pray in faith and wait…and when you turn around You’ll see a Sunlit Face and you’ll beam with grace in His embrace on this Easter morning!
You were not confused; Help us see like you. Untie the knots of fallen Eve’s thoughts. Warm us with your Son’s bright Truth.
A New Eve is dawning in this Easter mourning; watching for the Son to rise. Dark clouds your shroud, for you died inside with Christ Crucified; But you pray in faith and wait…and when you turn around You’ll see a Sunlit Face and you’ll beam with grace in His embrace on this Easter morning!